Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mama We All Go To Hell

I sat down on the couch and stared off into the distant world that laid in front of me. Momma Way was in the hospital...Gerard had lost all thoughts about engagement to Tina..and Mikey didn't know what to do. He came over and sat down next to me. I looked over to him and he laid his head on my shoulder. I kissed his head and he looked up with a puppy dog look. I smiled weakly to show some sort of comfort.

"Don't fake it." he whispered.

I looked at him confused. He smiled.

"I know you're trying to be strong for me and Gee."

I looked down as he raised my head.

"I appreciate it...I love you."

I smiled weakly and leaned my head back. Mikey sat up and looked at me.

"Lay down."

I looked at him and laid down onto his lap. He began to stroke my hair and I shut my eyes. How could he be so calm in a situation like this?


Mikey turned his head to see Gerard in the doorway. Tina walked into the room and turned on the TV.

"Leave the girls to talk...I need to talk to you"

I looked up at Mikey and nodded as I sat up. He got up and joined Gerard in the kitchen. Tina looked at me. I smiled and she nodded.

"He asked me..."


"To marry him..."

I looked at her with a big smile.


"I said yes..."

"That's great, T!"

"I hope..."

I looked at her confused. What did she mean?

"Kate...Mikey wants to talk to you in the kitchen." said Gerard, walking into the room.


I stood up and walked over to the kitchen...confused by the conversation I just had with Tina. Mikey stood leaning against the counter and looked up as I walked in. I went over and wrapped my arms around him. He smiled and held me. I looked up slowly at him.

"Kate....I have something important to tell you."

Turn That Frown Upside Down

Tina pulled into the driveway of the apartment. I slowly got out and walked into the building.

"You want anything to drink?" asked Tina.

"Nah...I'm good." I replied, sitting at the counter.

She nodded and sat down next to me. I sighed and opened my cell. There was a text from Mikey and one from Frank. I opened Frank's first, which read:

Hey Sis,

Just checkin' in. Call or text me when you get a chance. - Frank

I sighed and opened my other text from Mikey.

Hey baby,

How are you feeling? Since you left, I've been worried about you. Please text back when you feel better. <3 Mikey

I got up and sat on the couch as Tin went to go change. I began to text back Frank.

Hey bro,

What's going on? Momma Way is in the Hospital. So Mikey, Gee, and Handsome Don are there. Tina and I are in Gee's apartment. You know how I am with Hospitals. Anyways, just wanted to get back to you.

"Hey Kate!" yelled Tina.

"What?" I responded.

"Come here!" she shouted.

I got up and went into the other room. Tina was sitting on the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"Look what I found..."

I walked over to the bedside table and looked into the drawer. There was a small black velvet case. I reached in and pulled it out.

"Is that..." whispered Tina.

I opened it towards me to reveal a diamond ring. Tina went to grab to see it, but I closed the box.

"Let me see!"

"No...Gee wouldn't want you to."

She sighed angrily and walked out of the room. I put the box back into the drawer and walked out of the room.

"I'm going to take a walk..." she stated.


She got up and walked out the door. I took this opportunity to reply back to Mikey's text.


I'm doing okay. Though Tina just walked out to take a walk. She seems....upset. Anyways, I'm gonna go cheer her up. Love you...

I closed my cell and walked put to the front lawn. Tina was walking along the sidewalk while smoking a cigarette. I sat on the stairs when she looked at me.

"You know...cigarettes are bad for your hygiene."

"I'm stressed!"

"It's still gross..."

She gave me a glare and threw the cig to the ground to put it out. I sighed as she just stood there. A car pulled into the driveway, when Mikey got out of the passenger side. I stood up as he ran over. Gerard got out of the car and went to Tina.

"Hey..." I smiled, as he kissed me.


I looked at him and he sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Momma going to stay in the Hospital."


"They found a tumor and they think it might be cancerous."

I covered my mouth with my hand. Mikey looked down.

"Oh...I'm so sorry!" yelled Tina.

I looked over and saw them hugging. Mikey sighed and I went over to wrap my arms around him. He held onto me.

"Thanks..." he whispered.

I smiled and kissed his neck. I took his hand and walked over to Gee and Tina.

"I need some rest..." muttered Gerard.

He walked by me and into the house. Tina looked down and followed him slowly after. Mikey glanced at me.


"Hmm?" I replied, looking up.

"Why was Tina upset?"


He looked at me with curious eyes. I tried hard not to look at them. He moved closer to me and I gave in.

"We found a diamond ring in Gerard's bedside table." I confessed.

"Did Tina see it?"

I shook my head and he sighed.

"I didn't let her, so she's pissed at me."

He nodded and held me close.

"Tomorrow was the day he was going to ask her, but with Momma Way in the Hospital...."

I looked up at him. He smiled weakly and shook his head.

"Let's go inside...." he whispered.

I nodded as he took me by the hand and brought me into the house.

Does anyone notice there's a corpse in this bed?

I wanted to sleep in for New Years day. I was over tired from the excitement of the night before. I awoke to th amazing smell of morning breakfast. I stretched and looked over to the clock which read 10:06 am. I sat up and glanced down at my left hand. Placed on my ring finger was a brand new 14 carat diamond with four small Aquamarine stones surrounding it. I yawned and got up to walk into the kitchen, where Mikey had his back turned. The smell of eggs and bacon filled the room. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Good hungry?"

I looked over his shoulder to see the wonderful preparation he was making. He looked back at me and kissed my cheek. I smiled and rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"What's with the occasion?" I asked.

"I can't make breakfast for the woman I love who is going to become my wife?"

I laughed lightly and kissed his neck. He continued to make the eggs as I walked over and sat at the counter. Mikey and I were staying at Gerard's apartment. Tina was slowly moving in with him day by day. We ended up crashing there for the night. Mikey turned with two plates full of food. He walked around the counter and sat next to me.

"Here you go..." whispered Mikey, placing the plate down.

"Thanks..." I smiled.

"Any left overs?"

We both looked over to see Gerard standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, there's more on the stove." replied Mikey.

"Ooooo!" Gerard said excitedly.

We watched as he went over and poured himself a cup of coffee. He then sat on the other side of me, when Mikey's cell went off.

"Hello?" he answered.

I looked over at him and he looked away.

"Alright...yeah we'll be over...just breathe!"

He hung up the cell and got up. I could tell that he was worried as he rushed over to the closet for his jacket.

"What's going on?" Gerard asked.

"Mom...she's on the way to the hospital."

"WHAT?!" yelled Gerard, getting up and grabbing his jacket.

I went into the spare room, where I had previously slept to grab my shoes and sweatshirt. We then got into the car and drove to CLARA MAASS MEDICAL CENTER in Belleville. Gerard called Tina to tell her to meet us at our destination. Once we arrived, Mikey parked the car and we all rushed to the door. The woman at the counter told us to wait in the waiting room. I hated waiting rooms...too many memories crossed my mind. We entered the room to see Handsome Don and Tina waiting there. Tina got up and hugged Gerard. i sat down next to Handsome Don, who was staring at the ground. Mikey sat on the other side of me.

"Handsome Don?" Tina questioned.

He looked up with red irritated eyes.

"Are you going to be okay?"

He nodded silently. I looked over at Mikey who wrapped an arm around me. Gerard began to pace when Tina went over and hugged him.

"Family of Mrs. Donna Lee Way?" said a nurse who walked into the room.

We all nodded and stood together.

"Come with me..."

We followed the nurse into a small singular room. Momma Way was laying in a bed next to the window, in the corner. I followed Mikey in whiled holding his hand.

"The doctor will be in here shortly..." stated the nurse.

"Thank you." replied Handsome Don.

He then walked over to the bed. Gerard and Tina walked over to the window. Mikey began to walk into the room more, but I couldn't.

"What's wrong?" he whispered.

"Flashbacks..." I replied quietly.

"It's alright...I'm here."

I looked up at him and closed my eyes. Flashbacks of him lying in the bed played out in my mind as if it was actually occurring. I shook my head and opened my eyes to look towards the ground. Mikey wrapped his arms around me.

"Too much...I can't handle it..." I murmured.

"Alright...stand out in the hallway with me." he replied.

I continued to look at the ground, when he helped me out of the room. I leaned against the wall.

"You want something to drink?" asked Mikey.

I shook my head. I felt sick inside and didn't think I could handle it.

"She alright?" said Tina coming out of the room.

"I...I can't stay here..." I whispered.

Mikey looked at me and nodded. Tina sighed and nodded as well.

"I can drive you back to the apartment to get some rest..." she stated.

I looked up at her and nodded. She smiled and went into the room to tell Gerard.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Mikey questioned.

I shook my head as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I want you to stay here with your mom." I replied.

He nodded as Tina walked out.

"You ready?" she asked.

I nodded and gave Mikey a kiss. I then followed Tina towards the exit as Mikey walked into the room with his dad and brother.

"I hate hospitals." stated Tina as we got out into the fresh air. "They give me the creeps..."

I laughed lightly and got into the car to head back to the apartment.

New Year Surprises

*December 31st 2006, New Years, around 1pm*

"Arrival to JFK airport in 10 minutes." came the pilot's voice over the P.A. system.

I looked over to my right to see Chris and James, drummer and bassist of "Nightfall Scare", sleeping.

"Those lazy asses." laughed Lou under his breath.

"Yeah...hand me that empty water bottle."

Lou handed me the bottle and I hit both brothers. Chris jumped up, while James groaned. I shook my head and smacked him again.

"What?" he complained.

"We're landing in 5." replied Lou.

Both of them sat up straight when the seat belt light turned on. We all fastened our belts as we felt the plane start to head towards the ground. Once we landed, we exited the plane and received our luggage. A limo waited for us as we walked outside. We piled into the limo and headed to the hotel.

*A few hours later around 8pm*

Four hours to the year 2007 in NYC is crazy. I've been here once before on New Year's Eve, but not as a performer. We sat in traffic behind another van like ours. Once we came to the walkway to go to the main building where we were going to perform. The four of us exited the van when we realized that the walkway was guarded along the sides because of all the crazy ass fans everywhere. We were going to have to walk through them. I sighed when another group of people got out of the van in front of ours. I didn't really pay attention to them until Lou spoke.

"RAY!" he yelled.

"LOU!" came Ray's voice.

I looked over to see them hugging.

"KATE!" came 2 voices.

I turned to see both Frank and Mikey coming over to me. I smiled at the sight of them when Worm, the bodyguard, came over and told us that we all needed to head to the building quickly. We all agreed and began to walk. The screams grew louder and louder as we passed each section. A group of girls, about Midway down, were wearing red hats, 2007 glasses nd were screaming so loud.

" I want a pair of those!" complained Ray.

"Go and ask them then." laughed Gerard, who after the 4 months I didn't see him, had black hair again.

"Alright I will!" yelled Ray.

He and Lou walked over to the group of girls who were screaming their heads off.

"Stupid Ray..." muttered Frank.

"Oh...c'mon Frankie. He just wants the glasses." I laughed.

He just rolled his eyes and walked ahead of me. Something was wrong with him. I wanted to ask, but I knew I would find out eventually. I continued to walk when I felt two hands, then arms embrace my waist.

"You going to ignore me all night?" Mikey whispered in my ear.

I turned towards him and kissed his lips softly.

"I'll take that as a 'No'?"

I laughed and continued to walk when Ray and Lou caught up with us.

"Hey! I got these off the girl cuz apparently I'm her favorite member and gave them to me." Ray laughed.

"Wow Ray..." said Mikey sarcastically.

He put the glasses on and ran up ahead to walk with Bob. Lou rolled his eyes.

"Where's the twins?" he asked.

"Up ahead..." I replied.

"Thanks..." smiled Lou and ran up to Chris and James.

Mikey sighed and held me close. I looked up at him when we reached the building. We ll entered and walked into the elevator. It was a tight fit, but we got to the top. As we waited, Bob thought it would be funny to get rolls of toilet paper and throw them out the top window. This went on for about 20 minutes until the sound of police sirens grew louder and louder. Bob automatically stopped and went to sit on the couch. He acted as if nothing had happened. I looked at Mikey who just shook his head while trying hard not to laugh.

"Mikey...can I talk for you for a minute?" questioned Gerard.

"Sure..." replied Mikey.

I went and sat next to Bob, as Lou started to practice on his guitar. I reviewed the set list that we were going to play. It went: "This Love", "Decoy", "Shadow", "My Heart" and "Born For This". Not bad for a set list. Mikey returned and sat down next to me. I looked over at him as he just stared blankly at the floor.

"Okay can I have "Nightfall Scare" over here please?" stated the coordinator.

All four of us got up and walked over to him. He stood there with a clipboard and an aggravated look.

"Okay so in about 45 minutes, that will be about 10:15pm, you guys will take the stage right over there on the balcony area."

We all nodded and sat back down. I yawned and put my head onto Mikey's shoulder. I felt his arm around my waist, pull me closer. I felt his chest take a deep sigh as Gerard walked over.

" meeting."

Mikey took a deep breath and let go of me to stand. Something was going on with Mikey now? Both Frank and Mikey? Lou came over and sat.

"So what's the deal with Frank and Mike?" he asked.

"No idea. Working on finding out though."

He laughed lightly, when Chris came over with a couple boxes of pizza. James had 2 thirty packs of Pepsi and Coke.

"Wow...enough food?" laughed Lou.

"Well we are going to party responsibly." replied Chris.

"And drink respectively." added James.

I rolled my eyes as they opened the boxes. Frank then walked by and grabbed a slice of cheese.

"Hey! That's ours!" yelled Chris.

"And I can beat the living shit out of you if I want." replied Frank.

"FRANKIE!" I roared.

He shrugged and gave Mikey a glare before he went to sit on the couch. Mikey walked over to me and grabbed a Coke.

"No Coke Zero?" he asked.

"No...they didn't have any." replied James.

Mikey nodded and sighed. I was really starting to worry about him. Frank got up and walked by us with a nice little brush on Mikey's shoulder. Mikey sighed and looked down. That was it.

"FRANK!" I yelled.

He stopped and turned. He had a bit of an aggravated expression.

"What the hell is your problem?" I accused.

"Nothing you should worry about right now." he answered and walked away.

I shook my head when Mikey came up to me and wrapped an arm around me. I quickly denied him and walked into the bathroom. I rubbed my eyes to try and prevent tears. That didn't really work. I looked into the mirror and washed my face. I took a couple of deep breaths and re-applied my eyeliner. I didn't really wear a lot of makeup. I then went to walk out of the bathroom, when I heard Frank's voice followed by Mikey's.

"It's just not right!" yelled Frank.

"You need to calm down and deal with it." replied Mikey.

"She's not ready!" complained Frank.

"I think she is. And I think she can make it work if she puts her mind to it."

"You need to meet her half way with that too. She can't do it on her own."

"I know Frank...why can't you trust me?"

I then walked out of the bathroom, when both of them looked over at me. I looked towards the ground and walked over to Lou, who was practicing next to Ray. Chris and James then joined us when the coordinator called us over to get ready. We all got set up outside when I looked back to the building to see Mikey, Frank and Ray all looking out at us. I then took the Mic when the guys started to play. We started off with the song "This Love", that was originally dedicated to Mikey from the first time we met to now.

"I, I,
I can see it in your eyes
Taste it in our first kiss
Stranger in this lonely town (this lonely town)
Save me from my emptiness (save me)

You took my hand
You told me it would be OK
I trusted you to hold my heart
Now fate is pulling me away, from you

Even if I leave you now
And it breaks my heart
Even if I’m not around
I won’t give in
I can’t give up
On this love

You’ve become a piece of me
Makes me sick to even think
Of mornings waking up alone
Searching for you in my sheets
Don’t fade, away

Even if I leave you now
And it breaks my heart
Even if I’m not around
I won’t give in (won’t give in)
I can’t give up (can’t give up)
On this love

I can’t just close the door
(on this love)
I never felt anything like this before
(like this love)
Tell me the truth no matter what we’re going through
Will you hold on too ’cause

Even if I leave you now
And it breaks my heart
Even if I’m not around
I won’t give in
I can’t give up
On this love

Even if I leave you now (leave you now)
And it breaks my heart
Even if I’m not around (not around)
I won’t give in (won’t give in)
I can’t give up (can’t give up)
I won’t give in (won’t give in)
I can’t give up (can’t give up)
On this love"

That song was probably the most emotional song for me to sing apart from "Shadow" and "My Heart". "My Heart" was the first song I had ever written and it was for Mikey back in 2004. "Shadow" was based on growing up as Frank's little sister. Once we finished all the songs, we walked back inside.

"That was great!" cheered Gerard.

"Thanks. Your turn." I smiled.

He laughed and looked over towards Mikey and Frank who were talking quietly to one another. He turned back towards me.

"Don't worry about them."

"I just want to know what's wrong."

"I'm sure they'll tell you eventually."

"I guess...." I sighed.

He gave me a hug and walked over to talk with Ray and Lou. Maia came up to me. She showed up during my performance with the rest of the girls.

"Boys confuse me..." I complained.

"Join the club." she laughed.

"I just don't get them."

"Yeah...I don't think we ever will."

At that moment, Mikey and Frank both stood up and walked over to us. Maia looked at me as I looked down when Mikey kissed my cheek. I turned away when he sighed and walked over to the balcony with the rest of the band. Maia looked at me and gave me a "Wanna Talk?" look. I shook my head when the sound of music began out on the balcony. I walked over to the window to see the guys performing. Mikey glanced over at me which made me look away and sit on the couch. Once they finished, they walked back into the room. We then had to go back down into the crowd, to another stage, to talk to Damien Fahey, host of TRL on MTV. Both bands, one stage, to do a short interview. We all stood on either side of Damien. James, Chris, Me, Lou, Damien, Gerard, Bob, Mikey, Frank, and Ray. As soon as the interview began, I felt nauseated.

" this is the first time for both bands to perform in NYC?"

"'s really exciting though." replied Gerard.

"That's good. You guys have officially made history on TRL. Both musically and now well..." Damien looked at Mikey.

"Kate, I have something to confess." he stated.

I looked at him. Finally the truth? He took a deep breath.

"Kate...we've known each other for so long. You've always been there for me when I needed it. Emotionally and uh...physically. So with our love at where it is and the high respect at a good sized peak. I want to know if you want to take it higher, longer, to the next level?"

He slowly got down on one knee, pulled out a small box and opened it. At this point, I began to feel tears rolling down my face. I put my hand over my mouth.

"Will you accept this ring and become my wife?"

I didn't know what to say. I just looked at him in awe.


"Wha? Yes! Yes, I will be!" I smiled and choked out the words.

He smiled and got off his knee to put the ring onto my finger. We kissed, when Damien spoke again.

"History...MADE!" he yelled.

Mikey and I both smiled and laughed. Frank came over and hugged us both with Gerard. Eventually it became one big group hug. At that point it was 5 minutes to Midnight. We all stood on the stage, waiting to watch the ball drop. Mikey had his arms around my waist. Maia, Krista, Tina and Jen all joined us and stood with their man. Lou, Chris, and James each had their girlfriends. We all began the countdown to 2007. Once the ball dropped, Mikey and I shared our first kiss of the New Year and as a new engaged couple. This was definitely a way to end a great, eventful and crazy year!

The Power Of Love

*Fast forward - CD release - October 2006*

Waking up towards the window of your hotel room, really doesn't feel as great as you would expect. The bright, gleaming light awoke me from my deep, entrancing slumber. The soft, touch of warm hands embracing my body with passionate repetition upon my neck.

"Morning..." I mumbled.

"Morning to you too..."

I turned around to view the intoxicating eyes of my significant lover. I lowered my head into his chest for warmth and protection. He pulled me closer, while massaging my sides.

"It's a big day for you guys today..." I whispered.

"Mhmm...." he replied lightly.

I glanced up towards him as he looked down. I smiled lightly, when the alarm went off.

"Uhgggg!" groaned Mikey.

I sighed and watched as he turned the other way to shut it off. He turned back and yawned.

"We need to get up...." I whispered.

"C'mon...5 more minutes..." he whined.

" need to get into the shower first..."

"Fine..." he whined.

He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes over the side of the bed. I sat up as well, but held the covers around me to stay warm. Mikey bent over and put his head into his hands.

"You alright?" I asked leaning over him.

I placed my arms around him as he looked up.

"Yeah...I'll be alright." he sighed.

I placed my head onto his back and kissed him.

"I'm just nervous that's all."

I looked up and nodded. I began to rub his back, when there was a knock at the door.

" guys up?" came Ray's voice.

"Yeah...we're up." I called back.

"Alright, we're leaving in about 2 hours."

"Okay..." replied Mikey.

The sound of footsteps retreating faded away. Mikey sighed and stretched.

"Might as well get ready..." he yawned.

I nodded and watched him stand up to walk over to his suitcase. He took out a pair of skinnys and his Journey's shirt. I laid back and put the covers over my head.

"Kate! C'mon!" he laughed, tackling me and pulling off the covers.

"MIKEY!" I screamed.

He laughed as I sat up. I gave him a 'don't you dare' look as he smirked. He then laid me down and kissed my neck. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. He continued to kiss my neck, when his cell went off.

"God damn it!" he yelled and got up to open it.

"Who is it?" I asked, getting up as well and going over to my suitcase.

"Text from Gee..."

I sighed and grabbed myself a pair of skinnys and a bra. Mikey sighed and looked over at me. I looked up towards him.

"What? What did he say?"

"To hurry up and stop having sex."

"Right..." I chuckled a little.

"You want one of my shirts to quicken up the pace?"


He handed me his "New London Fire" shirt and walked into the bathroom.

*20 minutes later*

"Finally! About time you 2 showed up!" complained Bob.

"Shut up! We're here aren't we?" Mikey replied.

"C'mon lets get into the van." stated Gerard.

We all nodded and walked out to the van. We piled into it. Ray and Gerard in the front. Bob and Frank in the middle. Mikey and I in the back. We were on our way to the release party. As soon as we arrived, family, friends and contest winners were waiting inside. Walking into the building gave us all a sense of accomplishment.

"Well this is exciting..." stated Frank.

"C'mon..." sighed Gerard.

They all walked by and started giving people hugs and autographs. Mikey put his hands around my waist. I looked up at him.

"You should go..." I whispered.

"Only if you come with me."

I nodded and followed him through the crowd.

"Mikey!" yelled a woman's voice.

We both turned to see a petite woman with a giant Blonde hairdo making her way through the crowd. Mikey sighed and went over to help her. I looked over at the two of them when I realized that the woman was Mrs. Way.

"Momma Way!" I smiled, hugging her.

"How are you dear?"


"Strong as a horse."

I nodded when Gerard walked over with Christina.

"Momma!" he yelled.

"Oh my little Gerard!" she squealed.

They gave each other a hug when Gerard turned back towards us.

"Mike...Handsome Don is looking for you. He uh...wants to meet little Ms. Iero over here."

Mikey looked over at me and I shrugged. He took my hand and I followed him over to the side of the room, where a tall man with white hair stood. He had his arms crossed. Now I've met Handsome Don before....5 years ago after the 9/11 attacks in New York. He and Momma Way were still married at the time, but shortly after the passing of Granny Elena, they filed for divorce. Don and I had never been close, but to have some sort of relationship with him was for the sake of Mikey.

"Hey! There's my youngest son!" He greeted.

"Hey, Handsome Don." smiled Mikey.

He smiled and glanced over at me.

"This young beautiful woman can't be Kate, can it?"

"Hi Handsome Don." I smiled, putting my hand out for a handshake.

"A handshake? Is that how my SHOULD BE daughter-in-law greets me?"


"I'm kidding! I don't car how you greet me, but if you're still with my son after 5 years with no rock on your precious finger....Mikey, you need to get on that." he nudged Mikey.

I laughed lightly and smiled. Mikey on the other hand turned a light shade of red.

"Anyways. I'll let you 2 lovebirds get back to the party."

"It was nice to see you again." I smiled.

"Nice to see you again too, Kate."

I nodded and began to walk away when I realized that Mikey was still talking to Handsome Don. I looked back and he gave me a 'one minute' signal.


I looked over and saw Frank standing with Maia. I walked over to realize that my dad and grandpa were standing there as well.

"Dad!" I yelled, running over to him.

"There's my baby girl!"

I gave him a hug, followed by my grandpa. Frank smiled at the sight.

"So...where's your man?" my dad questioned.

"Uh...talking to his dad actually."

"Ah...I see..."

"Hey, sorry about that. You know how Handsome Don is." said Mikey.

"Yeah..." I replied quietly.

"Handsome Don?" asked my dad.

"Oh...Mikey's dad. Um Dad."

"Call me Frank." replied my dad shaking his hand.

Mikey smiled and shook it. I shook my head, but smiled.

"Alright. I'm going to go talk to some of the other parents."

We all nodded as Frank and Maia walked over to talk with Ray and Krista. Mikey wrapped his arms around me as we walked outside. Leaving the claustrophobic building into the cool breezy outdoors, really felt good.

"You alright?" Mikey asked.

"Uh...yeah?" I hesitated.

He looked at me and leaned against the brick wall of the building. I knew he didn't believe me an I sighed. He looked away and looked towards the ground.

"Mikey..." I whispered.

"What?" he replied looking at me.

"About our relationship..."

"Kate if you're seriously taking what Handsome Don said into...."

"Well...a little. That's not it fully."

"What's the other part?"

"Well I got the opportunity to lead something."


" vocals for a band."

He looked at me shocked. I took a deep breath.

"With who?"

"Lou Toro and a couple of his buds...Chris and James Hunter."

Ray's older brother?"

"Yeah and we've been collaborating for our first record, over the phone. So for the first month of you guys touring...starting next week...I'll be in the studio."

He sighed and nodded. I could tell that he was disappointed, but I needed to tell him.

"I'll be back for New Years at least. You guys are still playing NYC, right?"

"As far as I know."

"I'll see you guys that night. I'll be there for the performance."

He nodded and looked to the ground. I walked over to him and stood in front of him. He glanced up and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into him with my head on his chest. I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. He kissed my head and I smiled for the rest of the party.

The Road To Recovery

We all squeezed into the car. Mikey, Ray, Frank and I sat in the back as Gerard drove and Bob chilled in front. The ride back to the Paramour was quiet. I had my head on Mikey's shoulder the whole time. As we pulled into the Mansion's lot, Gerard pushed the doorbell to open the gate. We all filed out of the car and back into the Mansion. I held Mikey's hand and he held tighter.

"You alright?" I whispered.

"I guess..." he whispered back.

I looked down and he held me close. He kissed my head and I glanced up at him.

"I'll be fine..." he whispered.

I nodded and sighed as we walked in.

*One Month To The CD Release Party (Late August 2006)*

After spending time in the Mansion, the record was finished. We arrived to the photo shoot where friends and family came to see us. We waled onto the set through the back entrance. Everyone in the band was there, except the Way brothers. The set was old fashioned looking and was going to be used for promotional posters and the inside of the CD booklet. It reminded me of an old movie set. Frank, Ray and Bob had to g into costume and makeup, when the side door opened. I glanced over to see Frank's girlfriend Maia, Bob's girlfriend Jen and Ray's girlfriend Krista walk onto the set. Maia and Frank have been together for the past year. Ray and Krista started dating a few months ago, just like Bob and Jen. I stood up and gave each of them a hug, when the side door opened once more. I glanced over to see a woman, around my age...maybe a little older, walk in. She looked a bit confused and lost. The girls all headed over to the set to examine it as I walked over to the confused girl.

"Hey...can I help you?"

"Hi...I'm looking for my boyfriend..." she replied.

"Oh...what's his name?"

"Gerard, Gerard Way?"

"I know him...I'm actually the girlfriend of his younger brother."

"You're Kate?"

"Yeah..." I replied in a bit of shock.

"Gerard's told me so much about you and Mikey...I'm sorry about his little breakdown."

"He's been recovering rapidly each day. I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name..."

"OH! How rude of me. I'm Christina, Tina for short." she smiled.

"Nice to meet you."

At that moment, the door opened again with two hooded men wearing sunglasses. I figured they were part of the crew, so I looked over towards the set.


We both looked over to see one of the men running over to us. He wrapped his arms around Tina and kissed her.

"Hey baby...where have you been?" Tina asked.

"I'm sorry. I had an appointment to attend to with my baby brother."

"It's okay..." she smiled.

"Gee...I'm gonna head to the back room."

"Alright, Mike..." replied Gerard, removing his hood and glasses.

I glanced over to see a newly bleached headed Gerard Way. I automatically walked over to get a better look.

"Gee...What?" I asked.

"What? Frank isn't the only one who likes to change his look."

"It's different....that's for sure." I laughed.

"Please...just look at your boyfriend."

I turned to see Mikey or at least he was referred to as Mikey by Gerard. He stood there, short brown hair...vacant glasses?

"Hey..." he said quietly.

"Hi..." I smiled weakly.

"What do you think?" he questioned.

"You look great!" I kissed his cheek.


I nodded when Frank and Bob walked out.

"Gee...Mike...they need you two in...WHOA!" exclaimed Frank.

We all looked over at him and laughed.


"What? asked Mikey and Gerard at the same time.

"When?" confirmed Frank.

"Today" said Gerard.

"Before the shoot." replied Mikey.

"Why?" asked Frank.

"New look..."

"Sick of my glasses."

"Oh...okay..." said Frank a little uneasy.

Frank just shook his head and walked over to the set.

"They need you guys in costume and makeup ASAP!" Ray stated.

"Alright..." replied Gerard.

"Costumes?" Mikey questioned.

"Our 'Black Parade' costumes." answered Bob, fixing his jacket.

Mikey sighed and went into the next room. Gerard followed him and twenty-five minutes later they both walked out looking like soldiers. All five of them walked over and began to take photos. Meanwhile, Maia, Krista, Jen, Tina and I all sat behind and watched them. They really seemed to be enjoying the process mainly because of Frank's idiotic jokes. Once they finished, Gerard didn't want to change.

"You have to...we're all going out to dinner." Tina complained.

"I know, but it's so COMFY!"

"C'mon bro, we gotta get going!" yelled Mikey.

"Fine..." he sighed.

They both walked into the dressing room to change. When everyone was finished, we ended up taking five separate cars. A couple in each car. Mikey got into the driver's side of his 2005 Lexus and I got into the Passenger. He smiled and we followed everyone out to the restaurant.

A Lifelong Wait For A Hospital Stay

Mikey laid on the ground...trembling. I fell to my knees and grabbed his hand.

"Someone! HELP!" I screamed, tears beginning to form.

"What? What happened?" replied Gerard, running into the room with Frank.

"Mi...Mikey..." I trembled, pointing an unsteady finger.

"MIKEY!" gasped Gerard, running to his brother's side.

Frank knelled next to me and held me. Gerard put his hand on Mikey's forehead, as Mikey himself continued to shake.


Ray ran into the room and began dialing.


Bob came into the room and gasped.

"Ambulance is on its way." stated Ray.

"Okay...Mikey stay in there..." said Gerard.

Mikey shook, but showed a little sign of agreement.

"Ambulance is here..." shouted Bob.

" me carry him out." replied Gerard.

I was still holding onto Mikey's hand and Frank was holding me back.

"I can't let go!" I cried.

"Just loosen your grip..." whispered Frank.

I loosened my fingers as Ray, Gerard, and Bob lifted Mikey out the door and to the ambulance. I ran out to see the doors close Mikey inside the vehicle.

"We'll meet them there." stated Gerard.

We all nodded and piled into the car. Gerard drove, Frank directed him, Bob, Ray, and myself all sat in the back. All I could do was look out the window and wait. My tears kept rolling down my face from terror from what had just occurred. We pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and parked. I automatically got out and ran into the building. Gerard and Frank were following at my heels.

"Where do they take E.R. patients?" I asked the woman at the counter.

"This way please..." replied the woman, guiding the five of us to the E.R.

As we entered the E.R. they were bringing Mikey into a room. I watched as they put him onto a bed and hooked him up to machines. Frank put his hands on my shoulders to comfort me. The head doctor then came out to speak with us.

"I need to ask you some questions about the young man..."

"Very well..." replied Gerard.


"Michael James Way."

"Date of Birth?"

"September 10th, 1980."

"Height and Weight?"

"5'11" ish...about 135...140..."

"Current Residence?"

"Belleville, New Jersey."

"City of Birth?"

"Newark, New Jersey."

"That's it for now...if you all can wait outside in the waiting room. We will examine, Mr. Way here and he will be transfered to another room shortly."

Gerard nodded and we walked to the waiting room to sit. I couldn't sit. I was too impatient and too nervous. I paced back and forth while fidgeting with my fingers.

"Will you stop? You're making me more nervous!" complained Gerard, after ten minutes.

"I can't! I need to know what's wrong!" I replied.

"We all do. Come sit..." said Frank.

"How can you all just sit nothing happened?" I asked.

"Kate, calm down...he's going to be okay." answered Ray.

"Yeah! If we know Mikey...he's fine!" added Bob.

I rolled my eyes and sat in between Frank and Gerard. I continued to tap my fingers on the arms of the chair, when both Frank and Gerard stopped me. I sighed when the doctor walked in.

"We ran some Psychological tests on Mr. Way, to find out what caused his little breakdown. We have come to the conclusion that he has been diagnosed with Manic Depression or as some call it...Bi-Polar Disease."

I gasped and covered my mouth. Frank put his hand on my shoulder as Gerard stood up.

"May we see him?" asked Gerard.

"Only two at a time may it doesn't mess with him."

We nodded and Gerard nodded towards me. I stood up and followed him out. Before we walked into the room, Gerard stopped and turned towards me.

"Listen...I know over the years...we haven't been the "best of friends", but you're really important to my little brother. I respect that and whatever happens now or in the future, I want you to know that...I'm there for the both of you!"


"No need to thank...I just think you're great for Mikey and if you two ever get married...I'd be thrilled to have you for a sister-in-law."

"And I'd be happy if you were my brother-in-law." I smiled.

"Okay then...let's go inside."

I nodded as he opened the door. We slowly walked in to see Mikey laying on the bed next to the window. He turned his head and smiled.

"Hey..." he said weakly.

"Hi bro..." replied Gerard.

Mikey smiled and looked at me. I could tell that he was in pain from his eyes.

"Kate..." he whispered, trying to sit up.

"Don't...Mikey." I sighed walking over to his bed side.

"I'm fine...just woozy..."


He took my hand and kissed it. I knelled by his side and he smiled.

"Mike..." sighed Gerard.


"We found out what caused your breakdown..."

"And...what is it?" questioned Mikey, looking between Gerard and I.

"'ve been diagnosed with...with..." Gerard looked at me.

" have Bi-Polar Disease."

Mikey sighed as Gerard nodded silently. I tried hard not to cry, but Mike sensed it. He kissed my hand.

"I'll be fine...I promise..."

I nodded and pulled his hand closer to my face. Gerard stood up from his chair.

"I'll leave you two some privacy..." he sighed, walking out of the room.

"Thank you Gee..." said Mikey.

I sighed lightly and pulled the chair next to the bed. He coughed softly, but didn't let go of my hand. I smiled and sat down.

"Kate...why do you look so down?"

"I don't know...I'm just worried."

"I'm fine. All that I'm worried about is you. I don't like to see you unhappy. I love you."

I pulled the chair closer next to him. He smiled and I leaned in to kiss him.

"I love you more..." I whispered, kissing his lips.

He smiled, when the doctor walked in.

"Mr. Way...we reviewed your test results. You are fine to go, just be careful."

"I will. Thank you for your services."

The doctor nodded and walked out of the room. I turned to help Mikey out of the bed. We then walked out to the counter and signed out. Gerard walked out of the Waiting room with the guys and followed Mikey and I out of the hospital, to the car.

What Goes Bump In The Night

Mikey and I walked into the main hall to see tables of Italian food placed from corner to corner. Frank looked up and smiled. Mikey picked up two plates and handed me one.

"Thanks..." I smiled.

"No problem..." he replied, kissing my neck.

"If you two are gonna be Lovey Dovey...get a room!" laughed Gerard.

I rolled my eyes and put some pasta onto my plate. I then walked over and sat in a chair next to Mikey's bass. Mikey and Frank both walked over and sat. Frank had a salad dish, while Mikey had pasta as well. Gerard, Ray and Bob all stood over by the tables and ate.

"That was good..." stated Frank.

I nodded and finished my last bite. Mike looked over at me and rubbed my back.

"You want me to take that?" asked Frank.

"Sure..." I said, handing him my plate.

Mikey kissed my neck and wrapped an arm around me. I turned towards him and smiled. He winked and smiled back. I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"You look tired..." he whispered.

"A little..." I yawned.

"Do you wanna go rest?"


I stood up and stretched.

"We're going back to the room..." stated Mikey.

The guys all nodded and walked back to their rooms as well. As we walked back into the room, I walked over to the bed and laid across it. Mikey closed the door and lied next to me. He began to massage my back and I closed my eyes as he moved closer towards me. He began to rub my sides and I tried hard not to laugh.

"What's funny?"

"I'm just a little sensitive on my sides..."

"Well then..." he smirked.

I looked up at him and shook my head.

"Please?" he whimpered with a little tremble in his lip.

"It's the first night I didn't bring anything...."

"That's okay..." he said, getting up and going over to his bag. "I brought some..."

I sat up and rolled my eyes. He opened one of the packages as I laid back down on the bed. I closed my eyes when I felt the bed move. Mikey's arm wrapped around me and he began to kiss my neck. I moaned lightly as his hands slowly went up my sides under my shirt. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he ended up on top of me.


I turned my head when Mikey stopped and looked at me.

"What's ---"

"Shh....listen..." I hushed.


"Do you here that?" I whispered.

"Yeah...what is it?" he asked.


I began to freak out when I cuddled closer to Mikey.

"Mike...I don't like this..." I whispered.

"FUCKIN' A!!!"

Mikey and I both jumped and got up. We poked our heads out of the door to see Gerard, Ray and Bob doing the same thing.


I began to run down the hallway towards his room.

"" said Mikey, but I was already at Frank's door.

"FRANK!" I yelled, banging on his door.


I bust open the door to see Frank in the corner of the room. I turned on the light and walked in.

"Frankie...what happened?"

"I...I don't know...somethings in here..."

"What's going on?" asked Mikey, running in.

He was followed by Gerard, Ray and Bob. I walked over to Frank.

"You're sweating..." I said, feeling his forehead.

"I don't know...there's something in this place..."

"Yeah...there is..." said Mikey.

"Oh come on...there's no such thing as ghosts..." laughed Bob.

He started to walk out of the room when the door closed in front of him. He turned slowly towards us.

"I'd like to take back my last statement."

We all rolled our eyes, when the voices began.

"Old...Lovers...Friends...Death..." It began to get louder.

We all looked at one another. Frank sighed deeply.

"I say that if we go anywhere...we travel in pairs or groups." suggested Gerard.

"I agree..." said Ray.

I nodded and moved closer to Mikey.

"Well lets make buddies for now..." said Bob.

"Okay...Kate and Mike...Bob and Ray...Frank and Myself?" stated Gerard.

We all nodded and went back to our rooms. I was now officially freaked out. When we got back to the room, Mikey grabbed my hand.



"I can't stay here..."

I turned towards him when he collapsed suddenly to the floor.

The Mysteries Of The Unknown

*Roughly 5 years later, beginning of 2006*

Dear Diary,

I've been on tour with my brother and his band for about five years now. The guys just got off tour that promoted their second album Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. The tour went great and helped the guys majorly in the touring and fan base department. My twenty-first birthday is coming up and I'm really excited about it. Frank is excited too..he keeps saying that he's going to buy me my first drink. As for Mikey and I, we are in a strong relationship still. A few arguments here and there, but that's all part of the process of a healthy relationship. He's really caring and supportive as I am for him. I am currently in the car with Mikey and Frank. We're on our way to some type of "Haunted Mansion". I'm nervous about this, but I know that the guys will be there. Until next time...

pce&luv K.Iero

"You're still typing in that thing?" asked Frank, from behind the wheel.

"It's my own personal portable journal..."

"Yeah, but how long have you been typing in that? Five...almost six years...since we first started recording Bullets?"

Bullets was the guys first album that was released back in 2002.


"Leave her alone Frank." piped Mikey.

"Alright...I was just askin'."

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I was sitting in the backseat with Mikey. Mikey reached his hand over and laid his head on my shoulder. I continued to look out the window, when the car pulled up to its destination. We all got out and walked up to the front door of the Mansion. I must admit...I was scared and reached for Mikey's hand. He took it and kissed my cheek.

" we go..." said Frank.

We walked into the Mansion to see Gerard, Ray and Bob. Bob had joined the band back when the guys were on the past tour. Matt had left the band on complications. They were all sitting in the main hall area Gerard looked up as we entered.

"Hey guys! We were just getting ready to decide the rooms." he said.

"How? Pick names out of a hat?" laughed Frank.

"Exactly that..." replied Ray.

Mikey and I looked at each other as Gerard continued.

"There is only five rooms available. So we figured Kate will be with Mikey?"

I looked at Mikey and then at Gerard.

"I'll take that as a yes..." Gerard sighed.

He then pulled out a hat with the five room names. They each put their hands into the hat and pulled out their room one-by-one. As each guy named the name of their room out loud, we walked to each room to see what they looked like. It seemed that each room fit each guy's personality perfectly except Mikey. We walked into the room together to put our stuff in. There was a luminous blue light in the corner of the room, that gave it an eerie type of feel.

"Well this isn't creepy at all." said Mikey sarcastically.

"Yeah..." I said uneasy.

He looked at me and put his stuff down in the corner.

"Here let me take those..." he said, taking my stuff and putting it next to his.

I looked around the all the Gothic architecture. It definitely gave me chills down my spine.

" alright?" asked Mikey, standing in front of me.

"Never better." I lied.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest, when there was a knock at the door. We both looked over to see Ray in the doorway.

"Meeting in the Studio hall guys." he said.

Mikey and I nodded and followed Ray to the Studio hall. The guys all sat around in the studio, when we walked in. Mikey picked up his bass and began practice with the guys. I just sat off to the side and watched. They practiced and began writing songs which lasted about eight or nine hours. I ended up getting up for the last hour or so and walked around the Mansion. I was really curious about it. I ended up in a Courtyard and sat on a bench near the water. All I could think of was that this Mansion had "The Shining" type of feel to it. I continued to look around when I felt like someone was watching me.

"Hello?" I asked, looking around.

No answer. This was weird. I gazed into the water, when I heard a crunching noise. I turned and was Mikey.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to scare you." he said sitting next to me.

"I'm fine. You didn't scare me." I muttered.

He laughed and put his arm around me. I dug my head into his chest and sighed.

"This place is freaky, huh?" he questioned, rubbing my arm.

"A little..." I responded.

"So how did you find this place?"

I shrugged at that question. I didn't know, I guess I was drawn to it or something. He kissed my head, when I looked up at him. He was looking around, but the way the light reflected off of him made him look irresistible. I looked down towards the water to see our reflection in the ripple. He was looking down as well and smiled.

"Wow...whose that beautiful girl in the water's reflection?" he laughed.

I chuckled and kissed his neck. He then kissed my head and lifted it. We kissed and I put my head on his shoulder. Next thing I know, my cell went off on vibrate.

"Uh.." I groaned, pulling it out of my pocket.

"Who is it?"

"Frank..." I answered, reading the I.D.

"You gonna answer it?"

I nodded and opened it.

"Hello.." I said, annoyed.

"Hey...where are you guys?"

"Over by the Courtyard...or at least I think it's the Courtyard..."

"Okay well come back. We just ordered some food for dinner."

"Alright" I sighed and closed the cell.

I then stood up and stretched. I began to walk away when I realized that Mikey wasn't behind me. I turned to see him sitting on the bench, gazing into the water. I walked over and he looked up at me.

"I'm coming..." he said, glimpsing back at the water.

"C'mon..." I said, putting my hand out towards him.

He took it and stood up. We walked out of the Courtyard and into the Mansion.

The Promise

After everyone ate, I helped clean up the plates. Mrs. Way was very thankful of everything that I was helping her with. The guys then headed to Gerard's room to hang. Mikey went into the living room as Mrs. and Mr. Way went to their room to head to bed. I dried the final plate and walked into the living room. Mikey looked up at me and just smiled.

"So what do you want to watch?" he asked.

"Well...what do you have?" I replied, walking over towards him.

"Well...I have the "Halloween" movies, Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday the 13th..."

"Friday the 13th is always good." I laughed.

"Yeah any camp killing psycho is fine with me."

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch. He put the movie in and shut off the lights. He then sat down next to me and pressed play on the remote.

As the movie began, I made myself comfortable by leaning my head back on the head rest. Mikey took off his shoes and leaned back as well. We sat like that until the part in the movie where the first victim gets killed. I must have jumped out of being scared so many times, it was kind of embarrassing.

"You alright?" asked Mikey.

"Yeah...fine..." I muttered.

He smiled and suddenly yawned and put his hand around me. I looked over at him and he smiled. I smiled back and looked back towards the TV.

"You sure you're alright?"

"Yeah...I haven't seen this movie in a while so..."

"We don't have to watch--"

"No...I'm okay..seriously." I said looking at him.

He looked at me and nodded. I nodded and yawned, when I felt his hand pull me closer towards him. I looked up at him, when he loosened his grip. I shivered slightly and moved closer towards him.

"It's cold..." I said, putting my hands on my lap.

"Yeah..." he replied, pulling me closer.

I yawned again and wiped my eyes.

"Hey..." Mikey whispered.


"Put your head on my shoulder..."

"Why?" I questioned.

"You'll feel better..."

I tilted my head and placed it onto his shoulder. He then gently placed his head on top of mine and I placed my hands onto his leg. He smiled and took my hand. I looked down at our hands when he started to massage mine. I looked up at him and he looked at me.

"You really do have beautiful eyes..."

"Thanks..." I blushed lightly.

He then lifted my head, so that we could look better into each other's eyes. I broke our gaze by looking the other way.

"Why are you nervous?"

"I've just never been so close to a guy that I've just met before."

He sighed and nodded lightly. I looked back up at him.

"But there's something about you...that makes me feel like I've known you for a long time."

"Really? And what type of something...would that be?"

"I'm not quite sure yet..." I replied.

"What is this?" roared two voices.

Both Mikey and I jumped up and saw the light turn on. Standing in the doorway was both Gerard and Frank. Frank looked liked he was about to explode and Gerard looked like he was too confused for words.

"Why is my sixteen year old baby sister with a newly twenty-one year old in a dark room, watching a Halloween movie?"

"Frankie! Don't Freak!"

"I just simply asked a question..."

I rolled my eye and stood up. Mikey didn't know whether to stand or not.

"Mikey...I need to talk to you...alone." said Gerard.

Mikey then stood up and walked into the other room, with his head down. I looked at Frank who exhaled sharply and shook his head.


"You know! I'm not talking!" I said angrily.


I got up and walked towards the front door. I walked out to the front steps and sat. I began to cry when I heard the door open behind me. I stood up and started to walk away.

"I'm not talking!"

"You don't have to..."

I looked up to see Mikey standing on the steps. His face tense, but his eyes at ease. I looked down, when he walked down and over towards me. I felt his warm hands embrace themselves around me. I began to cry into his chest, when I felt his hand stroke the back of my head.

"It's okay...It's okay...I got you.." he whispered.

I looked up at him with tears rolling down my face.

"I've got you...I promise." he smiled.

The Secret Crush...

Walking into the Way household was like walking into my house. It was a very similar layout. We all walked into the living room, when Gerard hooked up the game system. Frank sat on the floor, while Ray and Matt sat on one of the couches.

"Come on...what's wrong with this thing?" complained Gerard.

Mikey shook his head and turned towards me.

" can sit here..." he said pointing to the other couch.

I nodded and sat down. He sat down next to me when Gerard got the system to work.

"Finally..." he sighed, handing Frank the other controller.

Ray started to read his comic book, while Matt watched the game being played. Mikey looked over at me as I just sat and watched the guys playing the game.

"Dinner is almost ready..." said Mrs. Way.

We all nodded and Gerard and Frank continued to play their game. Ray and Matt just stayed on the couch. Mikey got up to see how the dinner was going. I wanted to see how it was going as well. I walked into the kitchen to see Mikey getting plates and silverware together.

"Can I help with anything?" I asked politely.

Mikey looked up at me. Mrs. Way turned towards me as well.

"Oh...there is no need for you to do're a guest, my dear." she smiled.

"Oh...okay..." I said, turning around.

"Unless...would you like to make the salad?"

I automatically turned around and smiled.

"Sure...I can do that. What kind of salad? Garden? Ceaser?"

"Just a Garden one, please."

I nodded and began to chop the tomatoes.

"Hey...what's going on in here?"

I looked over to see Frank.

"She's helping with the dinner..." replied Mrs. Way.

"Ah..." sad Frank looking over at me.

I shook my head and continued to chop. Mikey then came next to me and began to peel the cucumbers. Frank shook his head and walked back into the living room.

" look at you two...cutting and peeling vegetables and fruits together..." mocked Gerard.

Mikey and I both looked over towards him.

"Now Gerard...there's no need for your nonsense." tsked Mrs. Way.

Gerard just shrugged and laughed. Mikey just sighed and continued to peel.

"They make a wonderful salad making team..." smiled Mrs. Way.

Gerard rolled his eyes and walked into the other room. Mrs. Way then walked out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. I finished cutting the tomatoes when Mikey randomly stopped peeling.

"I'm so sick of being picked on..." he muttered.

"I know the feeling..." I replied.

He looked at me, when I looked up at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing...just...your similar to Frank in some ways, but completely different in other ways."

I laughed lightly and shook my head.

"I've heard that before." I smiled, adding the tomatoes to the bowl.

He looked at me and smiled when Mrs. Way walked back into the kitchen.

" the salad ready?" she asked.

Mikey added the cucumbers and nodded.

"Very well...BOYS DINNER!!!" she hollered.

All four of the guys walked into the kitchen and made themselves a plate to bring back into the living room. Mrs. Way sighed and went into her bedroom to get some cigarettes. The guys all got their plates and walked into the living room, except for Mikey and I. We made our plates last. I looked at him, when he gestured for me to get my plate first.

"Thanks...." I smiled.

He nodded and watched me get my plate. After I got my plate together I sat at the table in the kitchen and Mikey decided to do the same.

" are you feeling?" he asked me.

"I'm okay...better actually then back home..."

He nodded and took a bite from his plate. I smiled and took a sip of my cocoa that I made.

"You don't drink coffee?"

"Nah...I'm not a huge fan..." I replied.

"Yeah...I think I'm addicted to it or something." he laughed uneasily.

I smiled and laughed lightly. He looked at me for a moment, when I looked up from my plate towards him.

"You have really beautiful eyes...." he stated.

"Um...thanks?" I said, unsure.

"You do..." he smiled.

I blushed lightly and looked back down at my plate.

"Hey do you like Halloween type movies?" he questioned me.

"Yeah....I like them....why?"

"Well...knowing the guys, they'll probably go down into the basement to hang later, when my parents go to bed. If you want...I'm gonna be watching a movie later, if you want to join."

I looked at him for a second before I answered.

" long as it has vampires in it of some sort."

"I think I can make that arrangement." he smiled.

I smiled back and we both finished the food off our plates.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Planned Sleep Over

"Thank god you're home!" My mom roared.

"Mom!" I said, hugging her.

My dad got up from the couch and went straight over to Frank.

"Where were you?" he stormed.

"New York..." replied my brother.

"Why in God's name were you there? Did you see what happened? It's all over the News!"

" should be glad that they're both safe and alive...along with their friends." added my mom towards my dad.

All three generations apart from my great uncle were named Frank Anthony Iero. Grandpa Frank, Daddy Frank Sr., and Brother Frank Jr. Mom rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you boys come into the kitchen...I'll put on some coffee."

Mikey, Ray, Gerard and Matt all followed my mom into the kitchen. I looked at my brother and he nodded. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom put on a pot of coffee. She turned towards me.

"Kate, why don't you sit down. You look like you've had a long day."

I nodded and sat up on the counter. She then walked into the other room. I looked around at the other guys. They all stood there...tired. I noticed Gerard and Mikey quietly talking to one another, while Matt played with his watch and Ray looked at some of the family pictures on the wall. Frank walked into the kitchen which made everyone look over at him.

"Man are they nosy..." he sighed, sulking into a nearby chair at the table.

"What did they ask?" I blurted out.

"Oh you know...the normal. 'Why are you never here?' and the occasional 'Where are you staying now?'...all that kind of shit."

I shook my head. Frank then got up and hugged me.

"Well anyway...Frank the offer is still up for grabs." Gerard stated.

Frank looked over at him. I was confused. What does he mean 'offer'?

"I'll think about it and let you know later." replied Frank.

"Frank!" yelled Dad.

" me!" groaned Frank, as he walked into the other room.

I jumped off the counter and into the other room. My parents, grandpa, great uncle and Frank, were all standing around the TV. Mikey, Ray, Gerard and Matt followed in behind me. On the TV screen, they were showing the attacks that had occurred. My mom shook her head as my dad put his arm around her to comfort her. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked out of the room...crying. I opened my bedroom door and put my head into my pillow.


I looked up slowly to see Frank standing in the doorway. I automatically sat up, as he entered my room, closing the door behind him.

"Kate...are you okay?" he asked.

"Do I look 'okay'?" I replied.

"" he said, putting his head down.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to snap like that."

"It's's been a long day...we all had a long day." he corrected himself.

I nodded, when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in..." I groaned.

The door opened and in walked Mikey. He looked a little nervous.

"Hey Mike...whatsup?"

"Nothing...we're gonna get going in a minute." he stated.

"Okay..." said Frank getting up.

I got up as well and wiped my eyes. We walked out of room and into the living room. My parents were talking with the guys when we entered.

"Kate, are you alright?" my mom asked.

"I'm fine, mom." I replied.

"Frank, we're gonna head out." said Gerard.

"Alright, I'll be out in a minute." Frank said.

The guys nodded and walked out to the car.

"I wanna come." I stated.

"Kate, you don't wanna be hanging out with a bunch of guys..." Frank replied.

I looked down, upset. Frank sighed and my Mom looked at my Dad.

"Maybe you should go..." said my Mom.

"It'll be good for the both of long as Frank takes care of you..." my Dad, added.

I looked at them shocked and so didn't Frank. My Mom nodded.

"Go..." she said softly.

I looked at Frank, who gave in.

"C'mon..pack your stuff quickly." he said.

I nodded and ran to my room. I packed a bunch of pairs of clothes, grabbed some electronics, including my laptop, and walked out of my room. I hugged my parents, grandpa, and great uncle. Frank smiled and we walked out the front door to the car. Gerard was standing outside the car, smoking. Ray and Matt were sitting in the car, while Mikey stood out on the other side of the car.

"What's this?" asked Gerard.

"She's coming with us." said Frank.

I looked at him and smiled weakly. Gerard nodded and threw his cigarette down. I then walked over to the car and got into the backseat with Ray and Matt. Frank got into the passenger seat and Mikey got into the back. Four people in a two seater backseat, meant that we had to sit on one another. I sat on Ray's lap and Mikey ended up on Matt's. The only thing with that is it was so tightly fit, Mikey and I were squashed together. I don't know what it is, but something about Mikey's nerdiness made me go crazy inside.

"Okay...we're all gonna head to Mikey's and my guys can sleep over if you want." Gerard stated.

"That'll most likely happen..." laughed Ray.

We all laughed and headed towards the new destination. Once we got to the house, Gerard pulled into the driveway. We all stumbled out of the car and up to the house. Gerard opened the door and we were greeted right away by Mister and Misses Way.

"Come on in...I was just starting dinner." Mrs. Way smiled.