Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Lifelong Wait For A Hospital Stay

Mikey laid on the ground...trembling. I fell to my knees and grabbed his hand.

"Someone! HELP!" I screamed, tears beginning to form.

"What? What happened?" replied Gerard, running into the room with Frank.

"Mi...Mikey..." I trembled, pointing an unsteady finger.

"MIKEY!" gasped Gerard, running to his brother's side.

Frank knelled next to me and held me. Gerard put his hand on Mikey's forehead, as Mikey himself continued to shake.


Ray ran into the room and began dialing.


Bob came into the room and gasped.

"Ambulance is on its way." stated Ray.

"Okay...Mikey stay in there..." said Gerard.

Mikey shook, but showed a little sign of agreement.

"Ambulance is here..." shouted Bob.

" me carry him out." replied Gerard.

I was still holding onto Mikey's hand and Frank was holding me back.

"I can't let go!" I cried.

"Just loosen your grip..." whispered Frank.

I loosened my fingers as Ray, Gerard, and Bob lifted Mikey out the door and to the ambulance. I ran out to see the doors close Mikey inside the vehicle.

"We'll meet them there." stated Gerard.

We all nodded and piled into the car. Gerard drove, Frank directed him, Bob, Ray, and myself all sat in the back. All I could do was look out the window and wait. My tears kept rolling down my face from terror from what had just occurred. We pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and parked. I automatically got out and ran into the building. Gerard and Frank were following at my heels.

"Where do they take E.R. patients?" I asked the woman at the counter.

"This way please..." replied the woman, guiding the five of us to the E.R.

As we entered the E.R. they were bringing Mikey into a room. I watched as they put him onto a bed and hooked him up to machines. Frank put his hands on my shoulders to comfort me. The head doctor then came out to speak with us.

"I need to ask you some questions about the young man..."

"Very well..." replied Gerard.


"Michael James Way."

"Date of Birth?"

"September 10th, 1980."

"Height and Weight?"

"5'11" ish...about 135...140..."

"Current Residence?"

"Belleville, New Jersey."

"City of Birth?"

"Newark, New Jersey."

"That's it for now...if you all can wait outside in the waiting room. We will examine, Mr. Way here and he will be transfered to another room shortly."

Gerard nodded and we walked to the waiting room to sit. I couldn't sit. I was too impatient and too nervous. I paced back and forth while fidgeting with my fingers.

"Will you stop? You're making me more nervous!" complained Gerard, after ten minutes.

"I can't! I need to know what's wrong!" I replied.

"We all do. Come sit..." said Frank.

"How can you all just sit nothing happened?" I asked.

"Kate, calm down...he's going to be okay." answered Ray.

"Yeah! If we know Mikey...he's fine!" added Bob.

I rolled my eyes and sat in between Frank and Gerard. I continued to tap my fingers on the arms of the chair, when both Frank and Gerard stopped me. I sighed when the doctor walked in.

"We ran some Psychological tests on Mr. Way, to find out what caused his little breakdown. We have come to the conclusion that he has been diagnosed with Manic Depression or as some call it...Bi-Polar Disease."

I gasped and covered my mouth. Frank put his hand on my shoulder as Gerard stood up.

"May we see him?" asked Gerard.

"Only two at a time may it doesn't mess with him."

We nodded and Gerard nodded towards me. I stood up and followed him out. Before we walked into the room, Gerard stopped and turned towards me.

"Listen...I know over the years...we haven't been the "best of friends", but you're really important to my little brother. I respect that and whatever happens now or in the future, I want you to know that...I'm there for the both of you!"


"No need to thank...I just think you're great for Mikey and if you two ever get married...I'd be thrilled to have you for a sister-in-law."

"And I'd be happy if you were my brother-in-law." I smiled.

"Okay then...let's go inside."

I nodded as he opened the door. We slowly walked in to see Mikey laying on the bed next to the window. He turned his head and smiled.

"Hey..." he said weakly.

"Hi bro..." replied Gerard.

Mikey smiled and looked at me. I could tell that he was in pain from his eyes.

"Kate..." he whispered, trying to sit up.

"Don't...Mikey." I sighed walking over to his bed side.

"I'm fine...just woozy..."


He took my hand and kissed it. I knelled by his side and he smiled.

"Mike..." sighed Gerard.


"We found out what caused your breakdown..."

"And...what is it?" questioned Mikey, looking between Gerard and I.

"'ve been diagnosed with...with..." Gerard looked at me.

" have Bi-Polar Disease."

Mikey sighed as Gerard nodded silently. I tried hard not to cry, but Mike sensed it. He kissed my hand.

"I'll be fine...I promise..."

I nodded and pulled his hand closer to my face. Gerard stood up from his chair.

"I'll leave you two some privacy..." he sighed, walking out of the room.

"Thank you Gee..." said Mikey.

I sighed lightly and pulled the chair next to the bed. He coughed softly, but didn't let go of my hand. I smiled and sat down.

"Kate...why do you look so down?"

"I don't know...I'm just worried."

"I'm fine. All that I'm worried about is you. I don't like to see you unhappy. I love you."

I pulled the chair closer next to him. He smiled and I leaned in to kiss him.

"I love you more..." I whispered, kissing his lips.

He smiled, when the doctor walked in.

"Mr. Way...we reviewed your test results. You are fine to go, just be careful."

"I will. Thank you for your services."

The doctor nodded and walked out of the room. I turned to help Mikey out of the bed. We then walked out to the counter and signed out. Gerard walked out of the Waiting room with the guys and followed Mikey and I out of the hospital, to the car.

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